Synthetis Grass

The latest generation of synthetic turf is a grass-like ground cover that replicates lush natural grass in appearance and function. When used on CHILDREN PLAY GROUND, or FOOTBALL PITCH, it provides a consistence year-round, all-weather playing surface built to withstand extended use without downtime for recovery. As landscape cover, synthetic turf provides a low maintenance, weed-fire surface that doesn’t need to be watered or fertilized, and available in styles that look like the grass types that are prevalent locally.

Advantages of Synthetic Grass

One of the important of synthetic turf is its ability to hold up under very heavy use, while natural turf shouldn’t be played on during or immediately after a rain storm, after the application of pesticides and fertilizers, or during the months when grass doesn’t grow, synthetic turf is always ready for play. Regular maintenance is important to enable synthetic turf to withstand the heavy use that it is often subjected to.

The synthetic turf is durable, so that you expect it to last particularly in areas of heavy usage, like walkways. Just imagine no more slippery, muddy areas, no more muddy shoes! Also no more replacing dead patches of grass. Installing synthetic grass means that you will have a durable surface and gives you the benefit of reducing your cleaning list.

You need to carry out light maintenance once the grass is installed, so on more lugging the lawn mower around, or getting down to your knees to weed the grass. This, of course, generates you savings on time and up-keep costs, and is particularly useful if maintenance is not possible or practical.


Cubic Pythagoras offers a 8-10 years warranty against discoloration and degradation of the fibre, depending on the intensity of the sun as the intensity of sunlight is different in northern state such as kano, kaduna, kastina and states with very intense sun.